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Crack Geneious Meaning

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by redtetazuc1974 2020. 2. 12. 04:36


In Spanish and Catalan, the expression is with crack as a noun.Messi es un crack.Your example uses it as a noun too. In English, we don't use the word as a noun in the same way.


Instead we use it as an adjective meaning something very similar.crack (adj.): first-rate; excellentIt's not nearly as common as the Spanish expression, though. In Castellano and Catalan, I hear it commonly in reference to all types of top tier athletes. The closest English word I can think of that functions as a noun and means something similar is stud. 'A-rod used to be a stud, but now he's a broken down injury liability.' In English the most common usage with the adjective 'crack' is: He's a crack shot, meaning He's an excellent marksman. As the other answers have noted, you're actually asking whether you can use 'crack' as a positive noun, not adjective.The answer is 'yes,' for two reasons:. 'Nouning' of adjectives is an acceptable means of forming new expressions in English.

The OED lists multiple meanings of the noun form of 'crack' that could apply. Here's the most applicable definition, which includes citations dating back as far as the 17th Century:That which is the subject of boast or eulogy; that which is ‘cracked up’; a horse, player, ship, regiment, etc. Of superior excellence. There's one positive adjective crack and one more complicated noun and adjective crack.The adjective crack referring to the highly-skilled is already noted.The other is partly noted, but not quite correct.Some time ago, crak was mostly negative, and meant boasting. From this we have Shakespeare's insulting use in 'King John':What craker is this same that deafs our earsWith this abundance of superfluous breath?Now, this word largely then mutated in two different ways that resulted in two different folk-etymologies.One route took cracker to the Americas where it became a general insult (much as bastard is used as a general insult making no genuine claim as to the marital status of the subject's parents). Then it became an insult used primarily by people of English birth or descent to describe people descended from the Scottish planters in Ulster (those who are now called 'Scots-Irish' in America).

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Later it became an insult used by African-Americans for relatively poor white people. The folk etymologies arose that it came either from 'cracked corn' or from the 'crack' of a whip during the time of slavery in the US.The other route it took was to develop a more positive connotation throughout England to be about the sort of boasting that one might make good-naturedly during a night of revelry and fun. From there it spread to Ireland, and largely (but not entirely) died out in England. It developed an adjective form, so we might not just talk about going out 'for the crack' but of a night out having been 'good crack'.It was borrowed into Irish, and in the 1970s within the Irish language the spelling craic began being used, displacing the more direct borrowing crack. This became popular in pub signs promising craic agus ceol ('crack and music') or more to the point of the establishment's business craic, ceol agus ol ('crack, music and beer'). These signs did their job of persuading people to part with punts - and more so with pounds and dollars - to the point where craic was re-borrowed back into Hiberno-English with that spelling often used in Ireland even in English.This led to the folk-etymology which claims that the word is of Irish origin, when it's actually the other way around, with the Irish use of the word being a borrowing from English.But anyway, it's the other form of crack that might be informing the Spanish you cite.